
We employ only fully qualified trainers and Instructors.

Our expertise is derived from the level of education our trainers and coaches have achieved in a wide range of activities. Our aim is to offer the best service at reasonable prices.

Lose weight: following consultation and analysis of fitness level and body condition we prescribe a programme of exercise combined with calorie controlled intake bearing in mind nutritional requirements.

Tone Up: we can improve your body condition no matter what your fitness or weight level. We analyse, access results and design the necessary exercise regime to achieve your perfect body shape.

Get Fit: we will design and monitor your cardio training programme

Get ready for that special occasion wedding or celebration or indeed business promotion achievement. Everyone wants to look their best on special occasions; we will prepare your fitness and appearance for whatever special occasion you have on the horizon.

Run a Marathon: if you have never 26.2 miles without stopping our experts can prepare you for this special; challenge

Improve your running times for distances from 800M to 10K and further. Our trainers are fully qualified in athletic disciplines especially endurance events.

Improve body condition: Exercising or lifting weights improves muscle tone and strength. It does however need to be balanced in order to ensure correct posture development. We have specialized knowledge in ensuring correct technique to achieve balance and enhance posture.

Build Stronger Bones: there is no better way to ensure bone health than to apply resistance and pressure. This can be walking jogging or even pumping iron. We can design a suitable routine for all ages to ensure strong bones for your chosen sport or for older adults.

Ensure future health and fitness: Exercise whether done to excess or sparingly will benefit health and fitness. If it is correctly prescribed, demonstrated and monitored it can ensure fitness and vitality throughout life.

Whether you look good because you feel great or you feel great because you look good it does not matter. What matters is that you do both at the same time. A correctly tailored exercise routine combined with controlled calorie intake will ensure that you do. Our expert knowledge and experience can help you achieve and maintain your goals.

So Do It Now we will show you how.

Join citytrain today and be happy tomorrow.

Most of our training is carried out in small groups or on a one to one situation in our fitness studio. Personal attention and attention to detail is central to our success in achieving your goals. Typically during the introductory session personal statistics are recorded and full fitness and health screening is carried out. Following this we do posture analysis if required and design the exercise programme around results and including the client’s goals and ambitions.

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